New and Improved Mentor Directory!

We have updated our Mentor Directory and now it is even easier to access technical support!

We believe in working collaboratively with our members and through our team of Mentors we aim to provide clear, practical and relevant advice to businesses, not just general or theoretical answers.
Our Mentors are all time served, food industry technical specialists. Between them and individually, they have with a wealth of experience and expertise – all of which has been validated by the IFST.  

If you are looking for technical support either generally, or specifically related to the challenges posed by COVID-19 then visit our “new look” Mentor Directory to find out more and meet the team!

We are currently offering 30-minute, free telephone consultations (one per business).  If you would like to book a session with one of our Mentors visit  the Directory to select a Mentor and then contact the SALSA Office on 01295 477570 or email  to arrange a suitable date and time.